Comme Ça & Tunify "Convey your taste effortlessly"

What Tunify does with music, the Belgian fashion brand Comme Ça does with clothes: it helps you convey your personality without words. Find out how Comme Ça uses Tunify to fine-tune the brand experience in his boutiques.

Comme ça model

Comme Ça: an ode to women

The right outfit boosts your self-confidence. Pieter Ballière of Belgian fashion label Comme Ça knows this very well. Every year, the family-run company launches two collections with stylish prints and colours that make every woman stand out. A comfortable jumper, an elegant tailored suit or a chic dress: each piece is top quality and affordable.

Central music management for 13 boutiques

When Pieter became a partner in his parents' business, he started working on the company's technology. He was looking for an easy way to enhance the shopping experience in Comme Ça boutiques with music. "I remembered from Marketing classes that music creates an atmosphere in your shops," he says. "Moreover, the right sound is pleasant for the saleswomen and can stimulate sales." That's why Pieter wanted to explore whether there was a system that could provide all branches with the perfect atmosphere.

No special hardware required

The quest for the right music partner proved challenging, mainly because the 13 Comme Ça boutiques differ. "Some of our boutiques have been around for 20 years, but we also have new locations," he explains. "We were looking for a music solution that we could implement everywhere without installing new hardware or carrying out major modifications." Tunify proved to be the perfect solution. "Tunify works anywhere and on any device, whether you have Bluetooth speakers or a built-in music system. You can control everything from your computer."

I know what it's like to have to listen to the same CD 100 times. We don't want to put our saleswomen through that.

Sufficient variety while maintaining uniformity

With Tunify, all Comme Ça saleswomen can play an endless stream of constantly changing music with the touch of a button. The vibe in the boutique is always perfect, and they don't have to invest time in it themselves. There is automatically enough variety. "I used to work in hospitality, so I know what it's like to listen to the same CD a hundred times," laughs Pieter. "We don't want to put our people through that." Tunify automatically adds variety based on the time of day, the time of the year and the seasons, but it’s always within the atmosphere you have chosen.

You have the choice, but you don't have to choose

"The nice thing about Tunify is that you have the choice, but you don't have to choose every time," Pieter explains. "We can convey our musical taste without having to think about every song." And what does Comme Ça's musical fingerprint sound like? "Upbeat," says Pieter. He can simply view that information in the MyTunify dashboard, which provides insight into the songs being played in the boutiques. "The calendars we're currently using are Happy Shopping, Business & Style, Casual, Jeans and Vintage Shopping," he says.

Tunify: style advice for your music

Like a personal shopper who chooses colours and outfits that suit you, Tunify automatically creates a personal music selection based on your business. Want to know what that sounds like? Try it for free. And if you’re still looking for an outfit that will make you look radiant, pop into a Comme Ça boutique near you or check out their e-shop.

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Try Tunify and get 14  days of free access. No strings attached. We’re not even asking you for any payment details. Discover Tunify and find the music that moves your business.

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